

To come from either CDG or Orly airport, you will probably want to take the RER B train. Here is a map explaining transportation options from the airports.

The conference venue is Ecoles des Mines, located at the metro/bus/RER station called Luxembourg. Here is a detailed map of the Luxembourg area.

The student residence (CROUS) is located at 81 rue de Chevaleret. Here is a detailed map of the area.

The best way to get between the conference site and the student residence is via buses 89 and 27. Here are maps of their routes and here are lists of their stops.

Here are a few pages which include all of the above and which explain the public transportation options in Paris.


Nearby neighborhoods might be called Latin Quarter, Montparnasse, Odeon, Saint Germain. 
Paris is divided into 20 arrondissements. The Ecole des Mines is at the boundary of the 5th and 6th arrondissements. Other convenient arrondissements are 1,2,3,4,13,14. 

In addition to Google Maps, an excellent website describes public transportation in Paris and which is available in French, English, Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch, and Japanese.

More specifically, if you go to
you can enter two addresses (the best description of the conference site is the  Luxembourg (RER)), and the site will find you an itinerary via public transportation, according to criteria such as fastest/least number of changes, least walking/bus only/train only/for whichever time and day you specify. will give you information on transportation to and from airports. will give you information on the types of tickets you can purchase. A good general choice is to buy "carnets", which are sets of 10 tickets. Tickets to suburban areas, such as the airports, cost more and should be purchased separatedly. 

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